Sunday, December 16, 2018

Back to the Back Yard

Panorama - Back Yard, oil and engraving on plywood
30x170 cm, 2018

Like breathing in and breathing out, like the seasons coming and leaving, so does the painter go back to old favorite themes to check if anything has changed in theories, ideas, execution and style, or just because these old themes are still all around.
I like to travel and get away from my comfortable chair, but then when I am back, I am excited to be in my own studio at last, and create more significant work than just catch a glimpse of this and that on paper.
I love paper; give me a whole lot more or leave me stranded for a weekend in the paper department of the art store. But what is conceived in the quiet solitude and seclusion of the studio, after some brain picking and trial and error and a lot of tedious labor sometimes,  may be worth the while and toil when I proudly present a new piece that took some time to be born into the world.
My back yard went through some changes, as well as the indoors, but that's for another report later on. I took old sketches, drawings and watercolors to make this oddly stretched panorama 30x170 cm on plywood. For more convenience,  I divided the photo into three parts.

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